
B (2) G (1) L (1) M (1) O (1)


Хліб - це харч на основі зерна. Етимологія Слово хліб пов’язане зі словом хлебтати. На цьому ґрунтується теза про те, що первісний хліб був рідкий. Порівняймо написання слова хліб в інших мовах: білоруською хлеб , давньоруською хлѣбъ, чеською chléb , словацькою chlieb , нижньолужицькою klěb , болгарською хля́б , македонською леб , сербською хљѐб, словенською chlѐb , готською hlaifs, англосаксонською hlāf, давньоверхньонімецькою hleib. В грецькій мові є багатозначне слово χλίβανος, яке первісно могло означати «посуд для хліба». Існує думка, що це спільно успадковане з індоєвропейської прамови...


God - is the Creator. He created the universe. We can call him differently: Svarog, Ishvara and just God. God is one and plural. Ishvara is a spirit always free from restrictions. He is eternal, most powerful, omniscient, perfect, selfless, useful to all living things. It is the supreme cosmic spirit that rules the universe. There is also a Ukrainian form of this word: Біг, this is where the word спасибі comes from. The root cause of all that exists is God. There is a certain order in the world. God is the reason for this order. Knowledge of God requires special quality. “Happy pure in heart...


Lion - class of mammals, cat family. References Лев - цар звірів


The incarnation of the divine nature, having three bodies - spiritual (spirit), mental (soul) and physical (flesh). It can have different levels of realization, defined the development of consciousness. If it recognizes itself only as a physical being with psyche (intelligence), it is Homo sapiens. If it guesses of the presence of spirit and strives for its actualization, it is a man. If it cleaned itself from the information debrisit (negative emotions, harmful programs) and realized embodied spiritual essence, it is an Aryan (Lybid). If it recognizes itself as the embodied divine essence,...


Within the field of positive psychology, particularly informed by the work of the late researcher Christopher Peterson of the University of Michigan, optimism is defined as the expectation that the future will be socially desirable, good, and pleasurable. Research suggests that optimistic people enjoy concrete, long-term benefits to their health and happiness. However, Peterson has identified some downsides to optimism, if taken to extremes. "Optimism in the form of wishful thinking," he writes, "can distract people from making concrete plans about how to attain goals." And "unrelenting...