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Ivan Geliukh on Ukraine’s role in stabilizing the European gas market


Despite the challenges Ukraine has faced due to infrastructure damage caused by Russian attacks, its gas storage facilities remain fully operational and available for use by international companies. This plays a key role in stabilizing natural gas prices in Europe and reducing dependence on traditional suppliers.

Former CEO of Ukrainian energy trading company D.Trading, Ivan Geliukh, who assumed the position of Head of the European Renewable Energy Development Division at DTEK Renewables International (DRI) on January 1, 2025, highlighted this in a recent statement.

“In Q1 2024, more than 160 international energy companies from 32 countries stored their gas reserves in Ukrainian storage facilities. This helped maintain high storage levels in Europe till the end of winter and ensured market stability, reducing the risk of sharp price spikes”, said DRI’s new head, Ivan Geliukh.

Ukraine is known to have one of the largest underground gas storage networks in Europe, consisting of 11 facilities with a total capacity of approximately 31 billion cubic meters.

These storage facilities play a crucial role in maintaining energy stability for both Ukraine and the European Union. They serve multiple essential functions, including storing strategic fuel reserves for the heating season, supplying gas to domestic consumers, and supporting transit deliveries to EU countries.

Thanks to their underground location at depths ranging from 400 meters to 2 kilometers, these storage sites are well-protected from potential damage caused by Russian shelling.

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