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Ukraine ranks second most generous country in world, survey shows

Ukraine has risen in global rankings of generosity, securing second place in the 2022 World Giving Index by the Charities Aid Foundation, with a remarkable climb of 13 spots.


6-річна Соломія з Дніпра збирає гроші для українських військових, граючи на флейті. Фото: Ксенія Реут

Ukraine placed second in the 2022 World Giving Index published by the Charities Aid Foundation, climbing 13 spots to rank as the survey’s highest riser.

The annual index measures charitable engagement across three categories – helping strangers, donating money, and volunteering time. This year, Ukraine finished just behind perennial leader Indonesia as the world’s most generous country.

The index does not provide reasons behind the trends. It is based on Gallup polling that asks respondents about their participation in the three giving categories over the prior month.

Other top finishers included Kenya, Liberia, the United States, Myanmar, Kuwait, Canada, Nigeria and New Zealand. The global index score remained high at 39 out of 100, on par with 2021.

According to the report, 72% of the world’s population – 4.2 billion people – supported others in some way. The publishers note the index offers insight into the scope and prevalence of giving worldwide.

Earlier, another survey showed that Ukraine’s crowdfunding for the military remains consistently high.

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