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Research Proposal: Reformation of Educational System

There is a tendency to see problems in different kinds of activity or global problems of society like a consequences, so the trying to solve them often are without desirable result. The mankind knows and uses different natural laws. But there are natural laws of mental structure and laws of structural organization of society, which are discovered but do not use yet.


The roots of problems are in ignoring of laws. Everything, which is held in life, depends on mental activity. So if everyone would be mentally strong, healthy, wise and confident, has positive emotions only without any aggressiveness, set his/her own place in life according to his/her natural abilities, has harmony relations with others, have you imagine what positive changes in society would be then… If everyone know the others enough, how many misunderstandings would be avoid, how effectively and conflict free activities would be then… From the fist glance it seems impossible. But there is a new 40-years science socionics, which can reveal the inner world of every person who has a definite socionic personality type. The socionic personality type is a mentally informational genetic code of a person given from birth and invariable during life. It is an own internal world conditioned by objective developments of consciousness and a subconscious mind.

The person has a harmonious internal system, and the socionic personality type demonstrates directivity of activity of mentality, because the person accepts the information from an exterior world integrally. The science discloses 16 aspects, and due to his nature each separate person has only one aspect of perception, estimation and generalizing of the information. Each person is free in development of own individuality, which is 1/16 part of society. Therefore the socionic personality type is given to the person for implementation of definite tasks in socion, first of all for realization of itself, and also joins all 16 parts in the harmonic whole. That is why there is a tendency to be together not only because of difference of a gender, but also because of related qualities of nature.

Socionics affirms there are 16 regular relations between 16 socionic personality types, they are stable and can not be change by somebody's volition. The most effective team for work and company for leisure is a group of people who belong to definite four socionic personality types, named kvadra. The most harmony and therefore suitable relations for family life are dual relations, when partners mentally complement each other. Now imagine: people do their work, which is pleasant for their soul, so are happy and work productively, therefore they don’t want to be a consumer, because it is more pleasant to be a creator. There are no or very seldom divorces because relations in family are harmony, children, who are born in dual families has all possibilities for progressing and mutual understanding. In order to sanitate society it is necessary to organize it due to natural laws of socionics and it is reasonable to begin this global work from work with children in defining their socionic personality types and direction them due to natural inborn abilities. It is possible to reach such state of society inculcating the socionic know-how.

Research goals are:

1. Explaining the essence of socionics and its main laws;

2. Sanitation of society by socion organization of it;

3. Definition of socionic personality type of children of primary school in order to individual approach, subject differentiation and staff of effective harmonious conflict free class groups;

4. Definition of socionic personality type of senior pupils for career-guidance and help in choosing friends and life partner;

5. Definition of socionic personality type of teachers to reveal the natural relationships between pupils and teachers in those classes, which are formed due to laws of kvadra;

6. Improving the psychological and physical health through the knowledge of inner potential of person and dyalization;

7. Inculcation of knowledge of socionics in society;

8. Reformation of Educational system.

The first step in improving the educational process is done in Ukraine. In Kiev secondary school №304 I have defined socionic personality types of pupils and teachers, gave them characteristics of inherent traits and professional abilities, which disclosed the inherent qualities of nature, temperament and possibilities. They direct teenagers to definite kinds of activity in different spheres of trades. They also granted pupils knowledge about socionic personality type of the complementing person, explained the regular interpersonal relations between every pupil and their teacher, staff one class group according to the laws of kvadra and advised to give such teachers, who are the leaders of kvadra by their socionic personality type. Such research contributes for pupils: knowing strengths of their personality, pupils choose subjects which fit their inborn abilities. They became self-assured, independent, could have an own stand, achieve the best results. Teenagers would have a possibility to make as little errors in life as possible. They will correctly choose an occupation and a partner for marriage, will save the health due to creation of a comfortable climate in family and in working group. 

As for the teachers, they have known the nature of the pupils and facilitate the individual approach. They corrected requests to the pupils and routed them to definite subjects. The knowledge of interpersonal relationships between the teacher and pupils and among pupils sanitated the class groups, which became more comfortable. Researchers adjust links with the parents and got acquaintance of the parents with traits of their children. The research work was held in such consistency:

The theoretically practical studies include two lectures for senior pupils and two ones for the teachers. At the first lecture experts explained for the pupils the essence and the basic concepts of socionics, the practical benefit of usage of this science in life of each person. The disclosure of traits of some children from an audience and relationships between them demonstrates practically the socionic laws.

At the second lecture a conversation with an audience takes place: having received the documents and having acquainted with the characteristics, the pupils exchange impressions and judgements concerning coincidence of the given information to personal vision themselves and others. When children read their characteristics, they convince of the truth of the characteristics in comparing with astrological horoscopes. Pupils receive the additional information concerning socionics and answers to their questions.

During theoretical and practical studies with pedagogical staff the similar knowledge are given: the definition of socionic personality types of the class principals, uncovering their inherent potential, describing their basic traits and the possibilities in definite kinds of activity. The practical benefit of such work for the teachers is knowledge of their own possibilities, knowledge of objective relationships, which arise between them and each of the pupil, and all these allow to make an individual approach during lessons as well as in other time.

The teacher having the short characteristics of strong qualities of the pupils can differentiate an educational material taking into account tendency of the pupils to this or that subject. The teachers have experienced the quality of the information, which is given in their characteristics, as it coincides with their personal nature. The attitude to themselves and to the pupils has changed, the new attitude to work has appeared, and the approach to educational process has changed in the positive way.

After the reorganization of one class group there was an observation during one year with such results:

1) the progress in studying increased from average mark of 3,7 to 4,6 due to:

- the subject differentiation,

- duality, which promotes the progress of personality and reveals creative possibilities of pupils;

2) the aspiration to study has increased;

3) the pupils became friendlier;

4) the comfortable psychological climate influenced pupils’ mood and health;

5) there was no need in psychology tests and trainings since the process of improving the studying was natural.

Therefore, this work demonstrates necessity of definition a socionic personality type for each person and for harmony in society: in family, in school, in working groups and in other organizations.

So, this knowledge is not just a theory, but it is already being practically used with positive results. People who find out their personality type become self-assured, understand themselves better, have aspiring to learn the others, find the dual partners, favorite job, reach success in life. Using this knowledge they indeed found their calling and discovered their possibilities and areas where they can realize them in the best way. Their self-esteem has increased, and they have created harmonious and happy families, they got rid of their problems, and they now have the inspiration to live creatively and interesting in any age. The theoretical knowledge and experiments are confirmed in practice.

Urgency of the work is caused by needs both schoolchildren and teachers. The majority of the pupils are confused in a choice of an own way. They also have uncertainty in themselves because of ignorance of own capacities. The teachers need the knowledge why the pupils have different behavior in different situations and how to realize in practice the individual approach to each pupil. The time has come to refuse from a stereotype of social norms, that all children should be active, diligent, compliant, attentive, and should accept only judgement of adults, not having their own and to maintain in pupils independence, feeling of own virtue and positive manifestation of personality.

The practical usage of the laws of socionics and socionic technologies in disclosure of an inherent potential of the pupils and the teachers is directed firstly on creation of prerequisites for usage of the inherent potential of pupils both during studying and at a choice of a profession, secondly on creation conditions for effective studying and supply of mutual understanding between the pupils and teachers, in pedagogical teams. The team is conflict free at definite selection of people in groups by the kvadra principle with taking into account natures of the people and relationships between them, that results in the most effective method of interplay and in high quality of fulfilling the tasks. Staffing the class groups due to belonging pupils to one kvadra and setting the teacher who is the leader of this kvadra harmonizes the relationships and improve mutual understanding among pupils and teacher which results in great progress in studying.

This research-inculcating work can solve such problems:

1. Impossibility of the pupils in definite cases to satisfy demands of the teachers.

2. Difficulty of self-expression of the pupils, their individual development and creative approach to educational process.

3. Inadequate perception of the information and misunderstandings during the conversation.

4. Removal of an uncomfortable climate in class groups.

5. Impossibility in realization of a natural potential because of blindly choice of profession.

6. Mismatch of natural traits of the person to a selected profession.

7. Public problems of dissatisfaction, irritation, psychosomatic dissonance because of ignorance of the own nature and laws of interplay between the people.

8. Formation of personality and its self-realization in society.

Each person has personal problems, caused by ignorance of own abilities. The knowledge of own abilities can be received through knowledge of a socionic personality type, which allows to reveal the individuality and to develop the personality.

The knowledge of inherent characteristic qualities of the pupils through the definition of their socionic personality types will help the teachers and parents during teaching at school to avoid superfluous problems and alerts, not only concerning the individual approach at study, at a choice of profession or entrance to an educational institution, but also at a solution of relationships, adjustment of mutual understanding.

The knowledge of natural abilities makes it possible to estimate the degree of using it. We propose to improve the system of estimation the knowledge of pupils at schools. It will be more objective to give them double mark: the first one will be for the level of knowledge and skills as the level of common erudition and the second mark (a, b, c) will be put as an estimation of individual level which pupil has reached according to his\her inborn abilities. This second mark considers the level of realization of potential in three-mark scale: “a” - is excellence of own possibilities, “b” - is a real full use of possibilities and “c” - is scanty using of possibilities. So, pupils' marks will be as follows: 4b, 5c, 5a, 3c, etc.

The result of this work will have such consequences:

Each person can:

- learn himself and become himself;

- save himself troubles concerning complexes of inferiority and imaginary fears;

- be self-assured and have an own stand;

- reach success in realization of spiritual and material needs;

- forecast behavior of the people;

- choose a comfortable surrounding: friends and familiars;

- make harmony family;

- correctly choose occupation according to natural capacities.


Perspective consequences are:

- self-advancing of each personality;

- growth of culture of dialogue, respect for the person;

- forfeiting slavish dependence in behavior and expression of own thoughts;

- getting rid of psychosomatic illnesses;

- solution of a problem of difficult children;

- warning of crimes among the minors;

- fostering to a solution of a problem of the narcotism and drug;

- granting possibilities to be realized in society;

- creation of effective comfortable groups;

- legible organization of the market of work;

- creation of happy families and their reinforcing;

- considerable abatement of an amount of divorces.

The knowledge of a socionic personality type is vitally necessary for the person, the right definition of it is the great responsibility. The improper definition results in awful consequences: shatters mentality, disorients the person, influences destructively the behavior, state of health, results in inadequate perception both in attitude to itself and surrounding. It is better do not know a socionic personality type than determine it wrongly. It is known that tests, either Myers-Briggs Type Indicator or others does not work. It is not desirable to determine a socionic personality type independently as it is the high possibility of an error.

It is necessary to define each person’s socionic type but to refer to the specialists. Our experts work under the program, which includes three audiovisual methods of definition of a socionic personality type:

1. Visual diagnostic of a face (immediately and on a photograph).

2. Audio diagnostic (method of conversation on any theme).

3. Diagnostic of moves.

There is the first proposal to organize definition of the socionic personality type of the children up to an entrance school. They will be issued with a special document, which states their personality type and the type of complementary person. When a person enters educational institution, a new company or goes to a doctor, he/she will take this document with them. The reason for that is that everybody due to their socionic personality type potentially have certain innate strengths and weaknesses. These strengths should be used in work and studying, and weaknesses can affect their health.

Secondly it is necessary to give a professional orientation to senior pupils. If the specialists will define the socionic personality types of senior pupils at school and give them recommendations in choosing the definite kinds of activities they will avoid mistakes and make a right choice.

It will be useful to complete class groups according to kvadra law. The best teacher for such class will be the person, who will be a leader to a given kvadra by his\her socionic personality type. It will give a possibility to improve the quality of educational process due to the individual approach to the pupils. The feel of comfortable relationships in such class groups will facilitate the natural organizing of working groups hereafter.

To wide this work it is necessary to teach socionics and give practical skills in definition of socionic personality type in order to have enough amount of specialist-experts to define socionic personality type of children, who enter school and those who undergraduate it. So, it is demand of time to organize the faculties of socionics at the universities.

The knowledge of socionic personality type will help to open and realize strong qualities and solve personal and public problems, when everyone will use the laws of socionics and will live in the harmony with yourself and the world.

Knowledge of own socionic personality type lead to improvement of the psychological and physical health of every person, help in choosing profession and life partner on the basis of the knowledge of the person’s psychological features and the ability to use their innate potential.

Knowledge of the socionic personality type will give the possibility to:

1. Discover the innate potential and individuality;

2. Become more self-confident;

3. Help self-actualization;

4. Know the reasons behind the actions, both own and of the others;

5. Make every choice in life knowingly, such as

- choose the true professional calling;

- choose the right people for friendship and work;

- choose the complementary person to create a harmonious family;

6. Be able to predict relationships between people;

7. Avoid misunderstanding and conflicts;

8. Create effective and non-conflicting work groups, taking into consideration each member’s innate psychological features;

9. Solve social problems of dissatisfaction, anger and mental problems which arise because of the lack of knowledge of the own nature and laws of interpersonal relationships.

The force of a socionic personality type is in understanding the own qualities, in comprehension of reasons and forecasting of consequences of the actions: it means we can percept any situation orderly, can choose the most optimal solutions from all possible. The person does not yield to the exterior factors, any influencing is worked up and due to this the personal independence remains deposited.

The knowledge of a socionic personality type influences positively a state of a person: the mental orientation and patience, keenness and goodwill appear, the person becomes interesting in communication and sure under any circumstances, precisely knows, what matter will bring him satisfaction and benefit, therefore there is no problem of a choice of a trade for him. And the most important is an arising of desire to create and to be necessary. The person does not limit only by his own possibilities but uses the conclusions and estimations of surroundings, knowing for certain in what problems who orients better. Everything the person thinks, demonstrates and creates according to qualities of his socionic personality type is correct and costs to embody it in life. Knowledge of socionic personality type is consent with yourself, internal organization and independence in a solution of the personal matters. As a person can control himself, he tends to organization and comfort among the surrounding, therefore regulates the necessary spacing interval in relationships: he knows whom  to communicate with in definite cases. Thus the necessity in a surrounding by the people who are necessary for quality information exchange is carried out without superfluous efforts.

The person perceives, interprets and reflect an exterior and internal world, and is capable to clear up himself, analyzing his experience. Each of us is individual and unique, having from birth own special perception of a world through feel and understanding, that leads to variations of an emotional state, behavior and reflects on force and depth of feelings. Temperament, tendency to underestimation or upraising of a self-rating are also essential inherent features of mentality. The internal world of the person can alter positively or negatively during life depending on conditions of development and inherent qualities.

But the person is social entity, he is not independent in society, for he is dependent on conditions of surroundings: the close people, friends, and neighbors surrounding on the job and so on influence him. Such dependence arises because there is a great many of different views. We tend to exhibit and demonstrate our freedom and unique daily. Other people wish the same but often disturb one another, for do not know aiming and necessities of the collocutor. A lot of energy is spent in vain at settling own stands.

Each person independently searches for his own way in life. Aristotel and Spinoza understood happiness as maximal realization of forces and capacities. We feel ourselves happy when realize the natural potential with aspiration, keeping integrity and sovereignty of own personality. Many examples testify that those who lived productively, creatively in youth, in old age are not less vigorous, their spiritual and emotional qualities even prolong to be improved. The person who settles his mind positively attracts others but negatives spurns everybody. Who did not ask himself questions: "Who am I?", "What can I do, and what I am not capable to do?", "What for I live?", "How to choose the way in life?". Each person aspires to find himself, to become himself and to do his matter. It is the main problem in life to open own forces and possibilities, which are given by nature. To achieve happiness due to usage of the possibilities it is possible only by realization of individuality, having formed and improved the personality. The sooner people begin to know their abilities the better they can find their own place in life. The knowledge of inherent abilities of children will help them to choose school subjects and profession.

The feeling of usefulness to society depends on an amount of the people, who are necessary for our mentality, who can grant mutual understanding and mutual aid. Such relationships are natural. The survival of a person as a social entity requires integration with other people, who have perception of world which is distinct from his own and compatible mental qualities, that results in reaching harmony. We receive satisfaction in life during communication; thus we search for such people, who give feel of comfort. We search in life our “half" in order to satisfy our own mental and physiological needs, for mutual understanding, help, security, support, activity, effectiveness in actions. Who is this "half"? Desire to have a "half" is a necessity of our mentality. Why there is such a necessity? A person is naturally non-complete psychologically, i.e. has only a half of the possible set of psychological features. Therefore, each person has their strong and weak aspects and the need to actualize their strong aspects and protect weak ones. The answer to this is the phenomenon of psychological complementation, which is the union of two people with the opposite mental features – “duals”. The ideal union for life and business is the union with a dual.

The aspiring to duality lives in each person. Familiarity will not replace duality. You see that even in a related circle of the close people it is possible to feel lonely. We often see and feel that people have comfortable relationships neither in family, nor at job, sometimes even with their friends. Besides there are a little of mentally compatible families, where harmony and consent dominate. Children in such families feel uncomfortably, as from the childhood the person tends to exhibit himself due to the inherent character traits, but the parents try to construct from the child such image, which is grounded on their habits, stereotypes, public traditions, but can not be naturally generic in the child.

When the child is naughty he requires from the parents more than they can give him, it is not the sign of whim or wanton desire. Such behavior shows his inherent nature, individuality and needs. But because of the conflicting in relationships between the parents there are difficulties in communion and mutual understanding in all family. The feeling of own qualities is put in every person from birth: he knows what he can, demonstrates it and requires, that he should be perceived such what he is, instead of such as somebody imagines. He only needs to be maintained and led at a definite stage of knowledge of a world.

The barriers of perception and rapport exist because of misalignment with children and surrounding people. Children need much to learn, and who should tell about a world, as not the parents and teachers. It often turns out, that children become discharged from the family proceedings, because the parents do not pay attention on their thoughts. In addition parents also shift on them their problems, first of all, it is the conflicting between the parents, and there is no value - internal or exterior, children feel them well all the same, even more acute and more morbidly, than adults. The reason of all problems of the child is concealed in a family. The parents' relationships influence on the child from the birth and step-by-step are transmitted to him. And the own attitude to a world is lost. When such child grows, he starts to feel a dissonance between that qualities, which are put into him by nature and that qualities which surroundings demand from him. Parents or other relatives influence atmosphere of relationships between children and parents. Therefore natural objective relationships between members of family depends on characters of people who live together. And these relationships can be predicted.

The child requires not so material help, but spiritual mutual understanding. Disposal and misunderstanding in family is a result of lack of coincidence of the image of the child, made by the parents and his real behavior. It is possible to not pay attention to education and to live as we lived, to sail on current, to think that someone should solve for us our problems but nobody can do it except us. You see each of us since childhood and till today tends to defend the stands, thoughts, to be himself… Why we do not give this right to our children? It is necessary to uncover qualities of the child, to know his mentality, temperament and traits, instead of restraining him by limits of stereotypes. The child has his own program of realization of his potential, the directivity from individuality to the personality. When parents and teachers will know this program it will effect the educating process.

Children perceive the information not only from the parents, but also from familiars, friends and surroundings. Teaching at school has a great value. The child falls in mentally hothouse conditions: is sponsored on the one hand by parents, on the other by teachers. The family problems transfer to school and became a school problem. Neither parents nor teachers know children. A child is not given a possibility to make a decision independently, and thus prepare for society a compliant, easy leading manpower. As a result a child considers, that his destiny, happiness, welfare do not depend on him, but are conditioned by someone or something.

Aiming of the pupil to show the inherent qualities will not disappear even at school, a person by his nature will always counteract stress, disharmony and violence to personality. There are parents who are responsible for the development of this personality first of all. And pedagogical staff of school has a task to give knowledge from culture and sciences. We want to see the teacher as a sample of humanity, justice, fairness, kindness, connoisseur of the matter, just to such teachers children are pulled, and the process of education takes place in itself through natural mimicking.

It is possible to solve these problems of the person in society: in family, at school, in the state, on the basis of knowledge and know-how to help pedagogical staff of schools to improve the quality of educational process.

The school life helps pupils to become more organized, teachers give knowledge as reaching of culture. Besides this, there is a task before school to make an independent creative personality through the individual approach to each pupil. All educational entities search methods for reaching this aim. But school can not yet teach the pupil to realize his potential, give the knowledge of him, to show independence and confidence in settling the individuality.

The life demands professional orientation of pupils during studying at school. It is necessary to know how to discover inherent qualities of pupils and their conformity to definite kinds of activity. There is an unrestricted freedom in choice of different kinds of activity and if a pupil determines his own possibilities wrongly it can result not only in moral traumas, neurosises at disappointments in wrongly choosing occupation, but to economical losses too. Using the laws of socionics helps pupils to discover and to realize their potential, to feel the laws of mental compatibility, to make a right choice of activity in desirable sphere of professions, to choose a person for harmonic family, to become self-assured.

People variously orient in an information highway and variously can dispose of it, and as a result they interact with an environment variously. The specialization of different types of people is not always takes into account. People often are engaged in such occupations, which do not fit them. It is established by science, that the intellect is specialized, and the person can do only that operation best of all and in addition with satisfaction and creatively which fits his mental specialization. It is possible to determine own capacity to a definite kind of activity where it is possible to feel the born specialist knowing the features of mentality of the person.

To look attentively, each of us is strong in something, but is weak in other kind of activity. If we use the strong traits we understand definite situations well and we feel ourselves confidently. If we use our weak traits, everything is on the contrary. Therefore we have to rely on our strong qualities while select an occupation. When we do a work, which is pleasant for us, we are elated but enforcing to do something unpleasant results in a nervousness, overwork, exhaustion and even stresses.

Everything that there is in our life is a result of internal mental activity. And the better we know the others and ourselves the more easily we orient in any circumstances of life.

Using socionic laws a person has force to affirm himself anew and to convert technological society, which cultivates and stimulates psychology of the consumer on human society with psychology of a productive work, where the person will realize his potential, returning himself to favorite job, becomes active, happy, having inspiration and thirst for life, will feel the master of own destiny, free in an own choice. Having healthy spirit, he will have a healthy body.

These positive changes will hold at an observance of the laws of socionics, which enable the person to elect the occupation, to make dual family due to the laws of mental compatibility. The conflict free family and conflict free life will lead to harmony of an internal world, to reasonable consumption, the wearisome rapid motion for material assets will vanish, there will be a necessity in progressing and heyday of spiritual sphere. This also influences the development of the whole society, as if a person can solve their own problems, they also solve more global problems. It will also be possible to solve such problems as depression, aggressiveness, greed feeling of inner emptiness, which can lead to crime or suicide.

However, it is not the person’s fault that they have negative emotions, as the reason for this is misunderstanding because of uncomfortable relationships. Only complementary relationships can stimulate positive emotions, harmony, inner peace and self-confidence, will lead to inner harmony, and this will improve mental health, reduce illnesses.

To do this, it is necessary to change the society from democratic to scientifically organized one. The alternative to democratic society gives socionics, which discovered the idea of “socion”, scientifically organized society according to natural laws of interpersonal relationships. It is time to move from ignoring natural laws to complying with them to live in harmony with oneself and the world. Socionics is a practical implementing science the laws of which must be fulfilled in all spheres of life, i.e. in the political, economic, social, legal, or educational ones.

Such researchers are necessary in sanitation of economy and social life and it is a critical need to advance them, but Ukraine is so poor and conservative, has so many economic problems, that it is very difficult to establish them here.

The program goals are:

1. Inculcate knowledge of socionics and practical skills in defining of socionic personality type through:


-practical courses in studying socionics;


2. Give socionic services (characteristics: brief and full, extended description of professional abilities, description of relationships and it correction, description of the innate talents of a child and recommendations for education, how to affirm oneself in life).

3. Practical work in school on such program:

-theoretical and practical lessons;

-define of socionic personality types of teachers;

-define of socionic personality types of pupils;

-reveal regular relationships;

-give characteristics and reveal innate potential;

-show the nature of dualization and what kind of person can complement;


-scientific staff of class groups;

-consultations and recommendation.

4. Establish connections with universities and other educational institutions;

6. Give the Program of Scientific Selection of Personal to principals and managers of personnel using which they will choose workers whose inherent abilities will fit their work and full realized, form compatible and as a result a conflict free effective workgroups. It will lead to sanitation of economy and harmonization of society.

People needs new knowledge and know-how to survive in such crisis times and it is high time to introduce them. Inculcating socionics in society help to reach the highest level of development economic and social life due to normalization the social-psychological climate, starting from the family and extending to the groups of different branches of economic life. It will contribute to the democratization of a society, through the revealing of the potential of the self-identity of each individual. Such researchers are necessary in sanitation of economy and social life and it is a critical need to advance them. 
Tetyana Pedan

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