Warning: DOMDocument::loadHTML(): Tag section invalid in Entity, line: 1 in simple_table_of_contents_generate_table_of_contents() (line 108 of /var/www/vhosts/kth/observer/ar25.org/observer/www/sites/all/modules/contrib/simple_table_of_contents/simple_table_of_contents.module).
The Kremlin is targeting British teenagers as part of a covert campaign to sow discord among young westerners, The Times can reveal.
Russian-run accounts have posed as Harry Potter fans and used images of celebrities such as the actress Emma Watson to amass young followers on social networks.
Thousands of young Britons have also been exposed to a Kremlin-financed YouTube channel that has been described as “the Blue Peter of Russian propaganda” and which has sought to create confusion about the Salisbury poisoning.
The full scale of Russia’s disinformation campaign can be disclosed today after analysis of more than three million tweets and other social media messages collected by US researchers.
Технологія здійснення палінгенезії зводиться до того, щоб максимально глибоко засвоїти сенс євангельського послання і зробити його ядром своєї свідомості. Для цього треба сформувати словник Сенсара,...
UK teenagers targeted by Russia trolls
Kremlin uses fake celebrity posts for propaganda
The Kremlin is targeting British teenagers as part of a covert campaign to sow discord among young westerners, The Times can reveal.
Russian-run accounts have posed as Harry Potter fans and used images of celebrities such as the actress Emma Watson to amass young followers on social networks.
Thousands of young Britons have also been exposed to a Kremlin-financed YouTube channel that has been described as “the Blue Peter of Russian propaganda” and which has sought to create confusion about the Salisbury poisoning.
The full scale of Russia’s disinformation campaign can be disclosed today after analysis of more than three million tweets and other social media messages collected by US researchers.
Kremlin-controlled accounts portray GM foods and other biotech advances as dangerous, the analysis shows.…
protecting children from the muscovites
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