There is no desks, strict teachers in this school, but there are lessons in the form of cartoons with educational songs and homeworks in the form of online and also mobile games. Here is an example of such a lesson to one and a half minutes long. The topic is quite complicated, but in this form it is available even to kids 4-5 years.
Series of funny textbooks "Veselkova School" – School of Rainbaw (authors Yu.Pinchuk, L.Berdar, A.Durda, publishing house Alexandra Garkushi, Uzhgorod) successfully tested in dozens of Ukrainian and Italian schools. It's not just math, reading, native and foreign languages, not only the traditional natural sciences, fine arts, but also geography, history, astronomy, physics and even chemistry, as well as the world culture in the presentation of pre-school and primary school children.
"Veselkova School" was being presented in newspapers and magazines, and TV. The first pupils - all without exception - are now in the most prestigious universities in Ukraine - the usual peasant children easily withstood the challenging competitions.
It's time to create online school for children from 4 to 14 ... in order to enable all children - Ukrainian, Russian, Italian, French, English, and others - to learn with joy. The most difficult course material is easily absorbed in the game, especially in the mobile, and together with the song is remembered for a lifetime.
Educational tracks are easily translated into different languages.
We need a team of interested parents and creative people.
Programmers, animators, clipmakers, artists, system administrators! With your help, our children's future can become a joyful, happy and creative.
Teachers, educators, parents! Connect to our rainbow fountains»! There is a place in our school for everyone.
Marketologs - your task is to make the site self-sustaining at first, and then - a profitable, because none of the service is not in demand in any country more than the creative development and the health of our children. The children, who are trained in the movement, not only happy, but also healthy.
I propose to establish a joint-stock company "Veselkova School" with a simple and transparent view of accounting, in which everyone makes a contribution, measuring in rainbow scores, and receives his dividends in hard currency.
Ісус показав учням загальну картину еволюційної драбини. Людина не є завершеною істотою – її чекає перетворення на надлюдину. Усі учні школи Ісуса стали вічно молодими ельфами, адже Ісус дав їм...
There is no desks, strict teachers in this school, but there are lessons in the form of cartoons with educational songs and homeworks in the form of online and also mobile games. Here is an example of such a lesson to one and a half minutes long. The topic is quite complicated, but in this form it is available even to kids 4-5 years.
Series of funny textbooks "Veselkova School" – School of Rainbaw (authors Yu.Pinchuk, L.Berdar, A.Durda, publishing house Alexandra Garkushi, Uzhgorod) successfully tested in dozens of Ukrainian and Italian schools. It's not just math, reading, native and foreign languages, not only the traditional natural sciences, fine arts, but also geography, history, astronomy, physics and even chemistry, as well as the world culture in the presentation of pre-school and primary school children.
"Veselkova School" was being presented in newspapers and magazines, and TV. The first pupils - all without exception - are now in the most prestigious universities in Ukraine - the usual peasant children easily withstood the challenging competitions.
It's time to create online school for children from 4 to 14 ... in order to enable all children - Ukrainian, Russian, Italian, French, English, and others - to learn with joy. The most difficult course material is easily absorbed in the game, especially in the mobile, and together with the song is remembered for a lifetime.
Educational tracks are easily translated into different languages.
We need a team of interested parents and creative people.
Programmers, animators, clipmakers, artists, system administrators! With your help, our children's future can become a joyful, happy and creative.
Teachers, educators, parents! Connect to our rainbow fountains»! There is a place in our school for everyone.
Marketologs - your task is to make the site self-sustaining at first, and then - a profitable, because none of the service is not in demand in any country more than the creative development and the health of our children. The children, who are trained in the movement, not only happy, but also healthy.
I propose to establish a joint-stock company "Veselkova School" with a simple and transparent view of accounting, in which everyone makes a contribution, measuring in rainbow scores, and receives his dividends in hard currency.
"Rainbow School" ([email protected])
Зверніть увагу
Євангельська антропологія: надлюдина, людина та розмовляюча тварина – Добре Знання (+аудіо)